Tuesday, 1 January 2008

Kings Hall (Sims 2) University Dorm

This is Kings Hall. It is loosely based on the Halls of Residence in the UK where I spent most of my university life, although less than half the size. From what little I have seen of Sims 2 Uni dorms (I only added the expansion pack yesterday), this is much bigger by comparison.

This dorm is a case of old meets new. The original dorm building (Old Sector) sits at the back of the lot and is all that remains of the original halls, the rest having been destroyed in a past war.

Taking up most of the rest of the lot is the more modern concrete and brick aspect called the New Sector. This was built in the 1960s and is functional if not elegant. Between the two sectors there is much greenery, and two large fountains, as well as outdoor seating areas for the students.

The interior layout is as follows:

Ground Floor:

1st Floor:
Any rooms not labelled in the above images are dorm rooms, of which there are a total of 41 (New Sector: 22 single & 7 double rooms, Old Sector: 12 double rooms with en-suite). The New Sector all have communal bathrooms and toilets, whereas each Old Sector dorm room has its own en-suite shower room. The decor in the Old Sector is much more pristine and old fashioned than the typical magnolia paint of the new sector.

The kitchen has two separate preparation areas, and space for 20 diners at a time. There is also an entertainment room with pool tables, and a fully functioning gym. For more details, please see the thumbnails below.

Any comments or constructive criticism are welcome :D

Please do not upload any of my creations and credit them as your own, or upload without my consent. Consent will never be given for paysites either.

Other images:

Lot Size: 5x6
Lot Price: N/A

Download Kings Hall (Sims 2)
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